Good Luck Hermione

Recently, I put a button on the sidebar that links to a contest inspired by the movie Good Night and Good Luck. The contest is for high school students to enter journalistic essays that inform and enlighten about some current issue relevant to the student's community. Well, my daughter has entered, and the voting ended today. She just has to make it into the top ten and her entries will be read and judged by Dan Rather and Ann Curry--it looks like she will. No matter what happens, she submitted 2 great pieces that she had already written this year for her school paper. One is on the use of cypress trees to make mulch, which is the equivalent of using old growth forest to make toliet paper and the other is on integration in the schools and how she found out (us living in the south) that the county that we live in is still under a desegregation order because it hasn't YET met the requirements. Read them here. Or use the button on the sidebar to get to the site.
I've been spending a lot of time over there reading everyone's entries, and there's some good writing there. It's from a very worthwhile site called Participate Now--an activism site that takes up causes inspired by recently released movies. I have been a member for a while, and they always have something interesting happening and don't harass your inbox with numerous emails.
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