Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Sugar Power

We've been on an Improvisational Smoothie Spree in the kitchen lately--I buy ingredients that sound like they would be good in smoothie form, and whoever wants one gets creative with whatever sounds good to them. The introduction of frozen fruit has gone over big--making more of a sorbet concoction. I personally discovered that using green tea with a splash of orange juice makes for a very tasty liquid base.

The blender has taken up a permanent position on the counter top--so why was I surprised when I came home the other day, and Maia was making cookies while simultaneouly working on a map of Australia in salt dough and the blender is whirring away?

I ask her what she's got in there and she tells me--loudly--over the sound of clashing metal,

"It's sugar. We ran out of the powdered."


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