2005 Discoveries

Everyone gets busy with the shopping cart (virtual or not) this time of year. I do a little of that, but I get so much more out of reflecting on what effected me, changed me, helped me grow or just entertained me the most during the past year.
So, I'm interested. Answer one or answer them all. What was your best of?
My answers will be in the comments...
1.) Best movie or play discovery?
2.) Overall best experience of 2005?
3.) Proudest Achievement?
4.) Best Concert Experience?
5.) Favorite News Event?
6.) Biggest Inspiration?
7.) Favorite new CD?
8.) Favorite Book?
I know this may be the kind of thing done more around New Year's, but I'm thinking about other stuff (you know, like next year) by then.
1.) Best movie or play discovery?
A 2004 movie I saw in 2005: "The Sea Inside"
Stunning. Sad and life-affirming at the same time.
2.) Overall best experience of 2005?
Yikes! One? This would have to be enrolling my 8-year old son in the local Waldorf school. We'd wanted this school for him for years, but we couldn't figure out logistics, as it is a bit of a distance. If you don't know about Waldorf, an educational system developed by Rudolf Steiner, I can't praise it enough.
3.) Proudest Achievement?
I'm very proud of my blog. I've pulled together writers from two states and one Canadian province and we moved to our own domain, started using WordPress, and we rolled out our new look, which I think is marvelous. All that and I'm very happy with the quality of the content, and I'm having a blast writing!
4.) Best Concert Experience?
Sadly, few live concerts, but I did see a great DVD of Hawaiian slack key master Ledward Kaapana and Bob Brozman that absolutely blew me away.
5.) Favorite News Event?
Rise in number of countries shaming the US by making same-sex marriages legal.
6.) Biggest Inspiration?
I watched a documentary about Ram Dass called "Fierce Grace" that really impacted me. I'd known about Ram Dass for years, his book "Be Here Now" is a favorite, but something really shifted for me when I watched that film.
7.) Favorite new CD?
Not a new CD, but new to me: "Global A Go-Go" by Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros. I've loved The Clash for years, but for some silly reason never explored Joe's solo work until recently. This is just one of the few albums he did before he died, and like John Lennon, who was killed 25 years ago today, he contributed SO much through his life and music. Sigh. I miss them both very much.
8.) Favorite Book?
8.) "Everything Is Illuminated" by Jonathan Safran Foer. A virtuosic debut. Brimming with humor and a deep love for humanity.
Great answers! I just put that Ram Dass on my netflix queue a week ago. I look forward to seeing it. Congrats on the Waldorf, and your blog, too. Both worthy endevors. :-)
And was "Everything is Illuminated" just made into a movie? Not that I don't read--just curious.
Ok, here's mine.
1.) Best movie or play discovery?
Off-broadway show 'Hurlyburly' wins the prize. Was about the decadent and materialistic 80's, with the sad but true realization that we are living in an even worse version of those times. Plus, we had front row seats. And it starred Ethan Hawke. :-)
2.) Overall best experience of 2005?
Seeing Christo's The Gates in NYC with my daughter and friend and the Ashes & Snow exhibit in NYC with Fargo.
3.) Proudest Achievement?
Got a promotion that took 4 years to earn. But my daughter's achievement of winning 2nd place at the International Science Fair for a project which is based on ecology/the environment was a really big deal.
4.) Best Concert Experience?
Seeing Ravi Shankar and his daughter Anouska. Totally amazing. And serendiptiously sitting next to some people we knew who saw him play at Monterey Pop in the sixties.
5.) Favorite News Event?
Cindy Sheehan. It really proved to me how much the anti-war movement needs leadership, and how one person can really affect things.
6.) Biggest Inspiration?
Seeing the Dali Llama at a lecture, live and in person. Incredible presence. And with 'teachings' I think we all are starving to hear.
7.) Favorite new CD?
hmmm. Acoustic Lennon is pretty wonderful.
8.) Favorite Book?
Either Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight by Thom Hartmann, Ishmael by Daniel Quinn, or Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd. I can't choose.
Alright. Ishmael. I read it when I was out of work for 5 weeks with a broken hand and it totally shattered every comfort zone our culture keeps us in. It had all of the idealism I had in my 20's and made me want to believe all over again.
Well, that was fun. Thanks for sharing the recap.
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