
Click on the portal to be taken to a website of inspired, soulful art by Andy Goldsworthy. Saw the documentary Rivers and Tides this evening and am totally amazed. The magic of his art is in working directly with nature and connecting right down to its very fabric and soul. All art is arguably about connection with the natural world--Goldsworthy doesn't mess around. He uses the medium as his message, and the results are sublimely mind-blowing.
Here's just one observation. Most of what he creates is circular in some form, while working on land--the circle does dominate, when working near water--more of a serpentine form emerges. In either case, there is an organic roundedness that reflects the natural world as opposed to the angular, straight lines of man-made constructions.
Ever looked out an airplane and seen the 'grid' as created by man? Human anthills aren't mounds, they're rectangular slabs. Then did you notice that everything (at least from the aerial perspective) that has been untouched by man has a flowing, circular nature?
In any case, here's the bloggers' version 2.0:
Thanks, Cathy, for introducing me to Andy Goldsworthy. I have never seen "art" like this. I loved what he did with the monitors & I went to that site you mentioned. My favorites were the balance rock & the broken icicle (the end of it reminded me of the stinger of one of earth's creatures, the scorpion.) Appreciate your sharing these fantastic & interesting sites. You're fantastic yourself.
Well, actually he didn't do the monitors one--that was a Goldsworthy homage. :-)
Glad u liked it. I found it utterly beaut-i-ful. The rock & icicle are wicked cool. Looking forward to sharing the DVD!
I saw "Rivers & Tides" & found it interesting. It helped me gain an insight to his thoughts & feelings. Sometimes it's so easy to admire a work of art without thinking of the work & even at times, frustration that went into it (such as the stones which he had to do 4 times). He admires & respects nature; he also tries to understand the elements he works with. Thanks, Cathy, for recommending this excellent DVD.
I love Rivers & Tides. My wife and I saw it and now we very frequently, when out in nature, take time to make some art. I particularly like working on a beach.
Cool! We also thought of the beach when we saw it. A big sand spiral would be nice.
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