Ground Zero

Recently returned from a trip up north, launching Hermione at Hogwarts. Before heading home, we went into NYC for a couple of nights. Went to ground zero and was appropriatley very moved. It's very much a sacred power spot. To give an idea of how powerful--the above photo is a poem illegally written by a policemen near the site. Just think of what it takes for a policeman to write unlawful poetry.
It reads...
The Road to Heaven
While traveling along
It's never too late.
Take the road that leads to love
Not the one to hate.
Hate is what took these buildings down,
with love is how we'll remember those
no longer around.
Take the right road and you will see,
how much sweeter life will be.
The road may be uphill and
strewn with stones,
so get rid of the weight
and lighten the load.
At the summit there is,
a beautiful view,
all of God's peace
open to you.
--A police officer
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